Thursday, January 3, 2013

Don't you let it go.

Today was the first day back at school, and it wasn't half-bad.
Well, actually, I'm maybe filled with the greatest amount of anxiety that I've ever experienced.
What with school in general, finals, debate, speech, violin, and everything else I have to do in the next 3 weeks...
I could explain it this way: rather than having 'a lot on my plate', as most people would say, my life could be compared to a really fat person having a solitary dinner at the golden corral.
[I hope that doesn't offend anyone.]

However. Despite that.
I have a cute outfit to wear tomorrow (leather jacket and combat boots, anyone??) and I have Seminary.
The weather has been in the negatives, but the time I have to spend outside is minimal.
And so far, in just the 3 days since it was birthed, 2013 has been pretty darn great.
And it's only going to get better.

Love always,
Mandi ♥

[p.s.] please enjoy the following. I feel a connection to the girl in the back.

The 21 Most Awkward Situations In History

[p.p.s.] I'm hilarious.

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