Sunday, August 12, 2012

I never thought I'd say this, but...

...I'm looking forward to the first day of school.

I'm not looking forward to waking up early, homework, and being forced to focus.

But I am looking forward to starting over.
In some ways.
I'm looking forward to taking what I learned at Retreat for Girls, EFY, and Girls' Camp this summer and actually being a nicer person.
I'm looking forward to branching out and being better friends with people outside of my normal group.
I'm looking forward to working on stopping categorizing people as soon as I meet them.
I'm looking forward to seeing my good friends from the incoming freshman class.
I'm looking forward to killing myself during cross country practices and PRing at the meets.
I'm looking forward to turning sixteen and mustering up the courage to ask a boy to Sadies.
I'm looking forward to reading my scriptures every single day.
I'm looking forward to being better than I was last year.

I'm looking forward to it. 


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